Entries by Mailys Finel

USA: Nothing can stop Kiki!

After Australia, Kiki has been selected to go to Japan. She was in Tokyo for the rugby season. She is the first American woman rugby player accepted to play in a professional team in Japan. Before joining Tokyo, she won Vegas and Barbados with her former rugby team SCION in Washington DC. That is what SBA […]

Event: A Rich Cultural Exchange with Tempo Latino!

The Tempo Latino festival ran from July 26 to July 29. It is the premiere Festival of Latin and Afro-Cuban Music. In 2018 it celebrated its 25th anniversary in Vic-Fezensac. The program included concerts that set arenas ablaze with incredible rhythms pulsing right through the festivities interspersed with sporting events. Lionel was once again part […]

Cameroon : some news of the SBA COOP

We presented them to you at the end of 2016, here they are again, our mothers from the SBA Co-op who gathered for a reunion during Odile’s last trip. Today, 1 year after it was created, there have been 2 bean harvests and 1 corn harvest. Our agricultural cooperation, which brings together 11 mothers whose […]

Event: 9th Challenge at the Unifying and eco-friendly vineyard!

The ‘9th Epernay Vineyard Challenge’, brought together 1,850 rugby players aged between 7 and 12 years old. SBA provided a stand with recycled rugby balls manned by volunteers Chest and Kenos (the TQT finally reunited!). It was a great success, especially with the ‘Week-End’ bags and the getting together of Belgian, Dutch and French neighbours! […]

Success story: Philippe, towards more progress

Philippe is about to finish his training in pearl objects. Today he’s proud of showing us his work and it’s Odile’s necklace that inspires him for his future creations.    Philippe also has been following a bamboo training with a local craftsman for the past three months. According to his teacher he still isn’t quite […]

Success story: Ledoux, a rugbyman of Bangangté

While Serge visited Cameroon in 2011, Ledoux was already part of Bangangté’s rugby team. He remembers with a smile that he was still playing barefoot at this time. Seven years later, he now works at Yaoundé and is in charge of store shelves in the Casino supermarket of the capital. We are proud of him. […]

Success story: Baudelaire, from unemployed to electrician!

Baudelaire has managed to get a job as an electrician thanks to the help of our charity and his hard work. He is a great example to follow for our students who want to succeed in their professional life! Baudelaire on the left of the picture is currently working as an electrician for Aéro Mat […]

Interview : Dimitri Yachvili shares his thoughts about SBA

With 61 caps and more than 370 points with les Bleus, a lot of people describe him as one of the best scrum-half of all time. Dimitri Yachvili started with the PUC, then flew to England, in Gloucester and finally joined France and Biarritz Olympique in 2002. He won two Grand Slams in 2004 and […]