Cameroon : Inauguration of the new site for Centre Eau Claire, April 2017

You have followed along as we bought the land in February 2016 and then as the centre and Philippe’s artist studio were built.

We had the pleasure of inaugurating L’Eau Claire’s new location this past April 22nd.  As you remember, construction began in November 2016.  Thanks to Annick, an architect from Yaoundé, this work was realized in less than 6 months!

 Thank you!


The 255m² centre is made up of 1 medical dispensary, 1 bedroom, 1 water closet, 3 classrooms, and 1 kitchen.  We can now welcome up to 130 children for educational activities.

Thanks to the WASPS Foundation for sponsoring this centre Merci à la Station Val Thorens, partenaire depuis de longues années  

This project, which represents an investment of 92 785 €, is thanks to our generous partners:

  • The station of Val Thorens
  • The WASPS Legends Charitable Foundation
  • The WASPS Academy
  • Victoria Oil & Gas
  • Two French senators established outside of France
  • Local Cameroonian donors
  • And everyone who participated in our diner on October 8, 2015 in London

Thanks to this support, this project became a reality!  Let us not forget our loyal godparents, without whom we would not be here today.

 Les oeuvres de Philippe

Since June 2012, 8000€ (integrated in the overall amount of this investment) was collected for Philippe, thanks to the initiative of Martin and his classmates, who organized classical music concerts in London.

This little annex building will be used by Philippe, as soon as he has finished his training to create objects out of bamboo and beads.  He will come here to work on his pieces and then store them until they are ready to be sold.

April 22nd was a wonderful occasion to gather the traditional and official authorities, public and private sectors, around a beautiful inauguration ceremony for one of the biggest Serge Betsen Academy projects.

Here are some pictures of this beautiful day of celebration:

Les enfants de l Eau Claire Les musiciens du Benskin Le chant des enfants Les mamans et danseuses Mme Niat, Elisabeth et Odile La remise de la tenue traditionnelle par les représentants de la jeunesse de Fatgo o 

 Inauguration en présence de Mme Niat, femme du Président du Sénat Les mains tendues vers Serge, Merci! Une main tendue vers l'enfance Les cris traditionnels pendant les danses Elisabeth et Serge Philippe ému aux larmes pour son atelier Philippe et Serge  Collation pour tout le monde Les rugbymen et women!

On prend soin de tous L équipe de rugby donne aussi un coup de main

The children thanked us, traditional Benskin dances from this Bamiléké region in Western Cameroon were presented, and speeches by official and traditional leaders were offered before Serge Betsen cut the inaugural ribbon.  He then toured the new facility for the first time.

Serge received an enormous amount of presents for his local actions and achievements, in particular this traditional dress.  The representatives from Bangangté presented it to him as a form of high recognition on behalf of the local inhabitants.

A hand outstretched to childhood!

We cannot forget that these projects and actions would never had happened without Elisabeth and Odile…

and all those who make up the SBA: our centre directors, project manager, and volunteers.

Djibrail Jenna Geneviève

 Pulchérie Berthe

Jeanette Charles Mado



A huge thank you!