Cameroon: Partnership and support to APAJ association providing a technical training
The Cameroonian charity APAJ (Cameroonian Charity supporting self-employment for young people) was created 11 years ago. This year, the charity obtained government funding to set up this project: to build a new Centre for Social Support for Professional Set-up (CASIP). This training centre is aimed mainly at young adults who wish to become technicians. The training courses will include two specialisations: metal construction and industrial electricity. These courses will last 2 to 3 years and once they are completed, the centre will guide the young technicians in their search for internship and employment.
This substantial project has been set up in a Cameroonian environment with a particularly high unemployment rate, especially for young people. This centre is an alternative to the programme already proposed by APAJ in its first CASIP centre which offers self-employment courses in more standard subjects: dressmaking, hairstyling, beauty care and IT.
Education is the main mission of Serge Betsen Academy, and professional training is the culmination of our programmes because it ensures young people’s success through self-employment. This way, they can build their own better and more stable future. For all these reasons and following a meeting with APAJ and its chairman, the SBA board decided to help fund this project for amount of 5 000 euros hoping to see youth from SBA benefit from the training offered.