Event Serge Betsen Tour : a must-seen event
Rugby enthusiasts and rugby supporters, you will not be surprised to hear that the Serge Betsen Testimonial is almost here!
So get ready for a legendary tour of the famous rugby man, which began on May 19th and will finish on June 6th in Biarritz, at the Aguilera stadium.
The first three dates of this SB Tour aim at approaching rugby players, and other legends of rugby through workshops set up for young people, autographs sessions and private parties.
Concerning the last date of the SB Tour, it will draw a deep attention starting with a remarkable opening match between former partners of the French Team of Serge Betsen, and former partners of clubs related to other sport legends.
A second match will take place between the “President’s XV”, and the team that Serge Betsen will have select. The team of the SBA President will be composed of rugby players and no-rugby players.
The Serge Betsen Tour will promote its association, “Serge Betsen Academy” to raise the public awareness about the issues concerning the help to underprivileged children in Cameroon and elsewhere through the values of rugby. It will be an opportunity to raise funds to finance current and future projects of the SBA. So please join us on June 6th in Biarritz and book your tickets here!
Reminder of the SB Tour dates:
– Limoux, May 19th
– Tarare, May 26th
– Clichy, June 2nd
– Biarritz, June 6th
Important links:
➢ Additional information on the Testimonial:
• http://www.facebook.com/JubileSergeBetsen
➢ Additional information about the association:
• http://www.sergebetsenacademy.com/fr (website)
• http://www.facebook.com/sergebetsenacademy (Facebook page)