Event: Journée Rugby Solidaire #SBA15ans on 24 July in Bayonne
Enjoy rugby at the Fêtes de Bayonne!
Come and join us on Wednesday 24 July at the Christian Belascain Stadium in Bayonne for a rugby solidarity day. This free and open event will feature junior tournament, women’s rugby, rugby 7s, and matches with former French rugby legends.
This will be the perfect opportunity to celebrate the 15 anniversary of the Serge Betsen Academy which will support for this special day the Aupa Jakes charity.
See you all at the Christian Belascain Stadium in Bayonne for a busy schedule:
10 am: U10 Rugby Tournament, U12
11:30 am: Women’s match
12:30 pm: Match 7’s and rugby 7’s initiation for all
2 pm: Basque Country vs Basque Coast Match
3:30 pm: French Legends vs Xapirons & Archiballs Match
The benefits of the stands will be entirely donated to Serge Betsen Academy.
More information on our Facebook event.