Event: Victoria Oil & Gas Network evening for SBA, Douala, Cameroon

Serge and the Serge Betsen Academy team arrived in Doula due to an invitation from their partner Gaz du Cameroun, a subsidiary of Victoria Oil & Gas in England, to share the activities of the Serge Betsen Academy to the international community of the region.

While there they took the opportunity to visit the drill sites and installation in Douala. They were most impressive!

Here are the pictures from the visit.

This visit was also an opportunity for our rugby coordinator, Abaa, to present us with the local youth in order to possibly develop SBA rugby activity in Douala one day.  We will meet with others in order to make a decision.

Help Nico and Manu to raise funds for the London Marathon!

Nicolas and Emmanuel are raising funds for our charity as part of the London Marathon. They are training hard to get ready for this rewarding experience on Sunday 23rd April. If Serge doesn’t tackle them on the bitumen during a training session, they should both cross that long-awaited goal line ;) !

We would appreciate if you gave us a hand by making a donation on this crowdfunding platform. We need your contribution for one specific project. As you know, we are currently finishing the building of our centre “Eau Claire” in Cameroon, this is due to complete at the end of April 2017. As part of this initiative, Nicolas and Emmanuel have set the objective to raise £3,000 that will be specifically used, by our team, to buy additional medical equipment, to finance our prevention campaigns for 2017 and assure the visits of two doctors twice a week in the new centre. Thanks to your help, these facilities will improve medical access to this population in a remote area.

We’re counting on your support and we thank Nicolas and Emmanuel for representing us!


Event: A beautiful charity evening in Biarritz


Our project manager, Jenna, was in Biarritz at the end of March for the charitable debate dinner of the Club Archiball Basque Coast to represent our association.  The event started with a passionate debate  on stress management by François Trillo. Also present were the Air Force General Jean-Patrick Gaviard, navigators Pascal Bidégorry, Marc Lièvremont and Fabien Galthié.  Thank you Fabien for having recommended the Serge Betsen Academy as the beneficiary of this beautiful evening!

A huge thank you to the Archiballs for organizing this and for their donations. Thank you as well to the l’Hôtel du Palais de Biarritz for their welcome.

For those who want to have a look at the pictures, click here.

Event: Tournament of the 6 Stations 2017, Results

Thanks to our support from the Tournament of the 6 Stations, the Serge Betsen Academy and the Rugby French Flair collectively received over 12000€ through crowdfunding and hot chocolate sales.

Thanks to you, our generous donors, the associations of Serge Betsen Academy and Rugby French Flair benefited by each receiving over 6000€. This amount will be able to provide a lot in the respective countries we are assisting.

Both organizations’ projects focused on health will be realized, in Cameroon and Madagascar, thanks to your generosity.

Event : Rungis Rugby Gastronomy Dinner, 31st Jan. 2017

The Rungis Rugby Club and its President, Foed Chakir, cordially invited us to their first evening of Rungis Rugby Gastronomy Dinner to benefit the SBA.

This magnificent event that brought together 600 people, was organized by the group La Dépêche du Midi and the International Market of Rungis, allowed the rugby world to meet before the Tournament of 6 Stations, as well as supporting the SBA with a generous donation of 5000€.  This donation will allow us to provide snacks to our youth after rugby practices and to continue organizing matches between the SBA centres.

Thank you again to Foed and the whole organization!

Click here for pictures

Event: SBA Rugby Tournament, 22 Oct. 2016, Yaoundé, Cameroon

The pictures of our 1st friendly Rugby tournament and the briefing session the day before are here!
What a day!

Memories of the really succesfull 1st edition of the friendly SBA Rugby Tournament.

Pictures : https://goo.gl/photos/XDt2291k2VpKoUG8A
CONGRATS to all the players coaches, and all people involvement in this beautiful event.
A big THANK YOU to all the sponsors

#citysport #axa #groupeArno #VoxAfrica #Aquavita #SoFaVinc#SocieteEquipementCameroun #supermarchéMahima


Event: Bouygues UK running for SBA, London

Last Thursday you liked the warm-up video with Serge Betsen, now find the pictures of the race!


Don’t forget our fundraising page is still open. It will allow us to organize a friendly rugby game between our centres in October in Yaoundé, Cameroon!


We’re counting on you!

Congrats and thank you again Bouygues Construction UK and Bouygues UK

Event: Charity Match French Legens vs Nantes team

On the 10th of September, a charity game took place in Nantes fir the profit of Serge Betsen Academy and Victoire charities.

Thanks to French Legends for coming and organizing this day.

Pictures : https://www.facebook.com/FrenchLegends/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1168779803179346

Event: Golf Day with our partner Arbevel Finance, Paris

Thank you to Arbevel for having us with another amazing charity Rugby French Flair for its annual Golf Day.

Each charity has gathered  7000€! An amazing day for beautiful causes!

Thank you to all of you, Jean Baptiste and Arbevel team for the organization and Julien Candelon, French rugby 7s player.


Event: Charity Tournament & BBQ, Virginia USA

On the 27th, Alexandria Rugby Club and the roosters from DC organised a Charity Touch Rugby Tournament for the profit of the Serge Betsen Academy.

Thank you to Cuisines solution for sponsorising this event!