Testimonial of Bertrand, former child from the Bafia centre
April 2020
Bertrand is currently an agricultural engineering student in Ebowola in the Southern part of Cameroon but keeps visiting his « younger brothers » from the SBA center whenever he is around Bafia. The SBA brought him a lot and he is extremely grateful. Late in 2018 Bertrand discussed with our CEO, Odile Prevot. Find below Bertrand’s testimonial from back then, before we receive fresher news:
“I am Bertrand. I am a former SBA student. Three years have passed since I attended the SBA centre and I am proud of what I have learnt there. After my time at the SBA I took the exams to become a technical sciences teacher. At the moment I am teaching at the Lycee Technique of Ombessa and also at the one of Bokito. I cannot complain, everything is fine for me.
You know, we have a particular advantage in the Balouga region that I really enjoy: we have to speak English and French. And I am doing my best to speak both languages.
In one word I would say that SBA brought me joy. Everywhere I go, it’s true that people say that I am “a good person”. That is why if I have to I sum up my SBA experience in one word it would be: Joy.”